Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Whyizzit... The last work day before a vacation is always hectic. I think there is some kind of rule about that... emergencies will happen on that last day. That's probably why the dream this morning about going to work on my vacation day. As it was, I stayed nearly an hour late, getting things to a point where I feel OK about leaving them!

Which makes it even funnier that I took one of those FaceBook quiz things that purported to predict your retirement age. It told me ten years ago and that I was a hedonist!

Today, I was doing similar "batten down the hatches" drills at home. The car's oil is changed and its tank filled (so as to avoid those cents-off expiring while I'm away). The travel bag is packed (limiting what I'm bringing... hope nobody's expecting me to "dress" for dinner!) The jeans I intend to wear on the plane are in the dryer.

  • I'm checked in to my flights, have confirmed with the shuttle service. 
  • Bills paid. 
  • Mail on hold. 
  • Things set out for the cat-checkers.

The house is not as clean as I'd like, but then, it never is up to Grandma's standards. Hopefully my sis will feed the cats with her eyes closed!

Supper, dishes, empty the trash... then early to bed. Because the odyssey of travel starts early tomorrow.

If I seem to disappear for a few days, fear not... I shall return. Hopefully with photos!

The major message to myself: "let it go, it is what it is." Breathe, prioritize, delegate is not just for the workplace!

I've done what I can for this only April 13, 2016 we'll ever see. Lather, rinse, repeat... tomorrow!

Tablet is slow

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Consequently, you might not see a lot of blogs DURING the trip. However, I did make it out of the house and to the airport and onto plane number one. I discovered I have not forgotten a skill from past professional life: sleeping on planes. 

I have something like 3 hours here in Atlanta. From past experience I know I will have to re-check the departure gate a few times...

I've got to the departure gate "early" before only to have them change it on me, when I have a longish layover. Like riding a bicycle, this travel stuff. You learn not to sweat the small stuff!
Onward! Now in search of coffee... wonder if in a busy airport I can get them to build me a quarter caff?

Let's go claim this April 14, 2016 as our very own... as though it's the only one we'll ever see... because it is!

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Author's notes: I learned something new today

This blog is a separate place to put selected saved Blogs from my years at  Today, July 31, 2021, I discovered that I can s...