Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Baby Steps, did I say?

 Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Thank God for the existence of support structure! We all need it, even those of us the most independent.  I have three sisters, a son, and a daughter in law in town. All have been checking up on me, since I live alone, and they have been made aware of my situation with the fall last Saturday.

I stuck the most recent photo, this morning's mug shot, out on my status: Here it is again for once I take it off the status.

The two days in between looked worse, probably about the same as each other, as the bruising progressed. The most disturbing (to me) part of this recovery was the nausea... which is a symptom of concussion. My body seemed to tolerate solid food Saturday after I got home, but starting mid-morning Sunday, not so much, and the rejection of everything but water began. This lasted through Sunday and Monday, even clear fluids not being well tolerated. Last night I got down about half a cup of green tea, and it stayed. This morning, you would not believe how good apple juice and saltines tasted.

The scale is indicating dehydration, reaching bottom scream weight this morning, so it's a good thing the body is healing, it doesn't have much to lose, as my non-Sparking sister commented when we discussed last night.

The apple juice and saltines are not part of my normal fare. I was rescued by sister SPINNINGJW, who brought them over.

I've been visited by all three sisters and my son, who checked for other concussive symptoms. Both SPINNINGJW and the mythical son have some medical training, and all the sisters have been Girl Scouts. But Jen and Jon especially know what to check for, particularly in the area of brain injury... so at various visits folks checked my pupil sizes, my balance, my temperature, etc.

Stayed home from work yesterday, and will again today until I'm sure the body is tolerating at the least bland foods. And will gradually introduce food as I heal. Stitches are slated to come out on Thursday afternoon. So, yes, Spark gang, I am recovering, albeit slower than the patient ever wants!

Why is it that most of us patients, aren't? Sense of humor intact.

I limited screen time significantly the past couple of days, out of deference to those concussive symptoms... that's the protocol these days. This morning, feeling much, much better, so I'm actually playing catch up with subscribed blogs.

Hope that all of you are out there making the best decisions you can with the choices you are given!  Because let me tell you from the inside of this recovering self: having an underlying level of health and fitness is SO worth it when you add trauma to the picture. I think that LINDAKAY228 said much the same when she had her stroke. Being in good physical condition surely assisted her recovery. So, despite the fact that my injury happened while running, I'm not going to stop being active! I may dial it back for a while, listening carefully to what my body is ready for. Being active, and choosing the right nutrition is part of what keeps me in the shape to recover when things go sideways.

Life is good. I am grateful. And I value every one of you Sparkpeople who are looking in on me, and cheer for you on your own healthy living journeys!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

This was NOT how it was supposed to go!

 Saturday, November 26, 2016

Yeah, that's me. Note to self: head is NOT supposed to make contact with concrete. Note to others: I don't think the head did, but the sunglasses dug into my eyelid, digging quite a significant hole, as you can see. The sunglasses? Ruined!

This happened about 2 1/2 miles into what was supposed to be a 9 mile run. Fortunately, I was NOT running solo. My coach was with me. And a good Samaritan stopped and helped staunch the blood. She also provided transport back to the cars, where coach would not let me drive, he took me home at my request.

But as soon as I saw myself in a mirror, I knew I needed to get to an ER and have that "hole" addressed.  

My non-Sparking sis came to the rescue... transporting me and staying and keeping me company while the medical folks looked me over. And stitched me up:

Pretty stitching! Two interior, four exterior, on the eyelid. They also did a CAT scan to ensure I didn't damage the brain. No concerns there, and they let me go with instructions to go back to my primary care physician for follow up and to get the stitches (exterior) removed in five days.

I even retrieved the car and brought it home (not that far, and I was careful... I was not under any drugs, other than the topical they gave to numb the skin for the stitching.)

Now I'm icing, and on Tylenol (minimum dose) as needed... which so far has been just that one pill. And the doctor pronounced me a tough old lady, and blessed me to run again if I felt up to it, as soon as tomorrow. I'm taking a wait and see attitude about that.

The running jacket I put in a cold water rinse before heading to the ER... and considering the front had been pretty much covered in blood? Look how clean it came out, with just that cold water rinse!

Meantime, I'm fine, really I am. But taking no chances. Doing as the doctor ordered.

Hope whether your day has gone how it's supposed to or not, you're doing the best you can, and today I'm grateful for my level of fitness, which should see me through this, as it does so much. And for that level of fitness? Guess what site has been my motivation central?

Darn right it's SparkPeople.com! Spark on my friends, and be safe.

Author's notes: I learned something new today

This blog is a separate place to put selected saved Blogs from my years at SparkPeople.com.  Today, July 31, 2021, I discovered that I can s...