Tuesday, September 15, 2015

My brain will have to be on automatic today

My brain will have to be on automatic today

Originally published Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I'm too giddy. I just spent about an hour playing tag with the travel sites, booking my trip to make sure I see two people I know and admire cross the finish line in Boston on Patriot Day (Massachusetts version) 2016. Make that at least two people I know... who knows what others might be qualified that I know but don't know about yet!

Of course, y'all know about my baby brother. MOBYCARP gives me at least partial credit for nudging him toward what has become his passion, running. But I am not the one doing his training runs... HE is!

Yesterday he started the process of submitting his application to run the Boston Marathon, having qualified last May.

Last night he told me he'd already booked his hotel and where. I knew my travel would be different... I would either have to drive there (a LONG two day drive) or book flights. I opted for the book flights.

Boston is a big city, well supported with public transit. I won't need a car. Flying trips are different, and airfares change the budgetary equation... I'll actually be *in* Boston longer than my runner! That's OK, this will be my premium trip of 2016.

I've been looking forward to this one and as my status said, he's got to stay healthy to the start line, 'cause after all, it's "all about me" and my trip is non-refundable! Seriously, though, I would be mega-disappointed if he did not get to this dream finish line, for him, not just for me. And whether he does or not... my running coach also qualified... and I want to see HER cross that line. And even if NEITHER of them made it... it's the BOSTON MARATHON, for heaven's sake. It's an athletic competition older than the Kentucky Derby! They gave me an excuse to make another check mark on the bucket list.

But it's so much better when you have someone specific to root for. So, I'm booked. And giddy. And...

* Have my bag packed for the work day, reminders to self to eat what's in it... that's why I packed it!

* Remember to go to recess... those breaks away from the cubicle are essential to mental as well as physical health!

And LIVE today, today... those dreams of Boston are fine, but they are far in the future. Time to pull back and enjoy today!

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